Add cookies in selenium to automate your work


1 min read

This blog is about accessing the account with cookies while working with the selenium web driver


  • Python

  • Selenium

get started:

Import web driver from selenium module and create an object of chrome web driver and give chrome driver local path.

from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(r"Path of chrome driver")

This will open a chrome driver, now request a URL by the get method


Save your cookies in the cookies.json file in JSON format. Import JSON and open the file as f.

Add cookies to the chrome web driver, and while adding it you may counter the error with sameSite access disabled for that change the 'None' to 'Strict'.

import json
with open('cookies.json', 'r') as f:
    cookies = json.load(f) #stoting cookies 
    for cookie in cookies: 
        #set the sameSite attribute to 'Strict' to avoid the error
        if 'sameSite' in cookie:
            cookie['sameSite'] = 'Strict'
        driver.add_cookie(cookie) #add the cookies 
time.sleep(10) # add wait to load the cookies

Now you can access the site with the given cookies by visiting the URL


I hope this blog helps you to understand how to add and work with cookies in selenium. ๐Ÿฆ–

connect with me ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป Gaurav Kushwaha
